Alis, Please Don't Go (Star-Crossed Series Book 1) by C. Aiaria Lucas

Alis, Please Don't Go (Star-Crossed Series Book 1) by C. Aiaria Lucas

Author:C. Aiaria Lucas [Lucas, C. Aiaria]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: InterDimensions Press
Published: 2024-02-14T00:00:00+00:00



The perilousness of my circumstances is evident in everything around me. The location that Council transported me to is just a slick rock plateau that backs up to a mountainside. The only saving grace is a singular golden tree. Unlike the ones in the forest, this one has silvery veins running underneath its thin bark. Knowing that it is alive gives me hope. If it can survive up here, maybe I can too. I sit down, my back leaning up against it for support. Everything happened so fast. One minute I was teaching young beings from Iliam-isq and Centarion, feeling for the first time that I was making a difference. The next, I’m banished from my own village with nowhere to go and no one to turn to.

My feelings are tangled up inside me. All I feel is pain and confusion. I put my head in my hands as warm tears run down my cheeks. They are the only warmth in this place, and even they grow colder the moment they fall, the biting air stealing their heat. I curse the words that flew out of me, ‘There is nothing to decide. I will not stop teaching.’ Now that I’m here, alone, what was the point of all of this? I won’t be able to guide anyone. The promises that I made to my students are broken. I should have tried harder to convince Council that I have not mutated, that they can trust me. Instead, I just gave in.

What will happen to Alilingui and her budding romance? Who will guide her through the difficult stages of their love? What about Api-ane and Jaspirat, Chi-lanti and Kei-ari? They are all on their own. I was unyielding, and now I’m here. The unfortunate side-effect of my youth and inexperience is shortsightedness. I’m sure there were other ways to play out that situation with Council and the elders, and I chose this one. Why did I risk so much if I was only going to throw it all away in the end?

Feeling so much, I get up and move back and forth on the plateau. That is when I first notice how my body is different. I’m actually standing on the ground, just like when I was on Earth. My form is more solid now. The usual lightness of my golden body is gone. What is happening to me? Perhaps what Council said is true; I have mutated. I no longer look like a light being. I don’t even glow. I cry more tears, sobbing into my hands. Could they have been right all along? Maybe it is better for the young beings that I’m gone. I glance down at my new, odd body. I wouldn’t want to lead them to this.

Back to crying again, my tears are streaming, my head pounding. I’m so worked up now; my breathing is irregular. I’ll never be sure if helping the young beings to be themselves and express their love was a good idea. I’ll never know if handling all this another way would have been better.


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